Breakfasts, an extended bar snack menu and afternoon teas are now available to members and their guests at the Club.

Hot and cold breakfasts are served from 09.00 to 10.30 each weekday. There is a wide range of bar snacks available from 12.30 to 14.15 to complement the excellent Club Lunch and A la carte menus available in the restaurant. Afternoon Tea is served in the Club room from 15.00 until 17.00 (16.30 on Fridays).

A full range of tea and coffee is available throughout the day.

The current menus are updated on the dining page of the website (, showing the week's Club Lunch menu, A la carte and Club supper.

Do come and enjoy, treat your family to great food with one of the best views in the City!

Now available, online booking - use the live booking widget on the dining page: